To Be? to be? Capitalization question, mama..
After a day of rain, (and maybe even a little worry from friends in Independence, after seeing those clouds roll in), we woke to sunshine and a new day on the hike. It is unbelievable what a couple of days off can do mentally. Sure, it restored us a bit, and packed some pounds on our bones, but I found my head to be slightly off. There were a few winds and clouds this morning that spooked me, when such minimal weather would never have paused me before this weekend's break. Silly, I was a little softer than before..
I am hiking slower, thanks to a hefty (and necessary) resupply, so I need to go at a zen-like place. When I first started jogging in New Fairfield, there was an older Japanese man who would walk the same loop I ran. He kept a slow, even pace, and held his hands behind his back; never panting, never changing his stance, nor speed. I think of him when I walk sometimes, and today I tried to be him. Heavy buddy.
We topped Kearsarge, and had lunch with a party full of happy people. Teachers, rangers, all enjoying the view, as well as the great people. Actually, we found out that we have been on the ranger radio, which made me so happy. Hikers have mentioned the 'family' to rangers, who, in turn, sent radio alerts out to each other as we passed their territory; creating an angelic look out chain, that followed us as we walked. "Oh! You're the family!" said three rangers on the peak of Kearsarge. So nice.
Kearsarge wound down to the junction with the John Muir Trail, and we rejoined the last leg of our path. We are camping now down by a pretty stream, and hoping for a clear night to view the meteor showers. Tomorrow, we head toward Forester; 13,000+ft.
Onion Valley 8/11/14