Au revoir et bon voyage mes amies!

Today we said goodbye to our new friends, as Guillemette, Sylvain, Elliot and Clementine continued their travel throughout Costa Rica. 

I am hoping to connect with Guillemette and Sylvain to follow their pending publication, but also to possibly foster a collaboration. Writing about family travel and sharing stories from our experiences on a common site might be a fun way to invite other adventurers, in other countries, to encourage experiential education. Who knows; Guillemette's love of design and background in communication might jive nicely with my awkward rambling.

Above all, however, I truly enjoyed meeting these great people, and would love to build our friendship. You have a home in Cambridge, MA if you ever come to town, sweet family! And should we lose touch, and the joint adventure and storytelling end here, I am most grateful to the brief albeit fun times we shared. Bon chance and happy travels!

[Again, beautiful family photos to come. Be well!]