Max and Nate loved their cool mops of hair. Nate looks like a Q-tip as his bright orange hair grows, I think, but Max can pull off a shaggy look. Both had a lot LOT of hair before I made the executive decision to buzz the boys. Steven is our official buzzer, and patiently turned the boys from Yetis (Yetai?) to poodles. Max was sad at first to lose his hair, but eventually admitted that he liked his fuzzy head. This confession followed a good amount of sulking. Well, point taken: it's his hair, it should be his decision, but in this case I think this cut is the smarter move.
Nate on the other hand, was pleased as punch, and looks like a peach. Truly. His sunglasses are now a bit large, and his hats are a little loose, but he is working it out. So mom of me to say, but I think they both look crazy handsome. Loves.
After nearly four years of growing my hair, I also made the chop. I have to say, after the first cut, everything in my face and eyes looked right; like I recognized myself. Despite the appreciated cheers of my family and friends for my long (slow growing long) hair, it never really felt natural on my head. So now it's gone. And I feel better. Not to mention, this haircut promises the added bonus of not wearing a nest of bugs and twigs and birds in, what might have been, my dreaded hair this summer.